Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Abs Diet for Women

The Abs Diet for Women promises to give women what they want :abs along with weight loss and a decrease in body fat percentage and it promises to deliver when they want it: quickly and in a way that will fit in with the rest of their life. The Abs Diet for Women is establishing itself as a legitimate program. That may seem insignificant until you factor in the number of plans that eliminate half of the foods you've ever heard of and every food that you love, or recommend that you eat only one food to the exclusion of others.

A – Almond, other nut varieties

Nut varieties help in combating obesity, cardiovascular conditions & cancers. Protein presence in nut forms aid in building leaner muscle. As muscle exhumes fuel, more muscles one has would aid in burning additional calories on a daily basis. Almond intake permits snacking minus addition of considerable weight. Scientists deem that almond has a constituent which aids in blocking some extent of their fat from being absorbed. Additionally, eating almond even seems to be squelching craving & averts binge-eating at other instances during the day.

B – Bean, Legume

The fiber-rich presence in bean additionally helps in regulating assimilation in your GI tract. Fiber even has a tendency to bind onto intestinal bile acid & aids in its secretion. As bile partially has cholesterol hence imintake of a fiber rich dietetic intake is a means of lowering cholesterol. Bean is a vegan protein source with absence of saturated fats.

S – Spinach

Spinach & several leafy greens are a rich antioxidant & phytonutrient source that aid in neutralizing oxygen free radicals which have been established to speed up aging & being carcinogenic.Coumadin users must consult their doctor before augmenting consumption of leafy greens as vitamin K presence in some of these could in fact annul the effect of some blood thinners & increasing one’s susceptibility to blood clot formations. Otherwise, cupfuls of such green veggies could be eaten without worrying about the calorie load which makes it an ideal food to slim down the tummy. 


Raspberry alongside several berry varieties could pacify a sweet yearning while not piling on additional sugar or excess calories,thus shrivelling the tummy. The elevated antioxidant presence even combats ailment-causal free radical presence in the body.


The white portion of egg is laden with protein that aid in building lean muscle & even boosting metabolism that tackles obesity. Many from the body-building fraternity consume egg white during breakfasts daily.

Milk Items

Augmenting your consumption of non-fat or less-fat milk, curds & cheeses would help in building bone strength & density which could even aid in preventing bone thinning. It is particularly pertinent to females, as they have greater susceptibility to it.


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